Friday 10 June 2011

Pink Pig Complete

Pig Tail
For the pig's tail i deceided to use a Helix and i reduced the number of curves it will make into 1. After doing so i started to use vertext mode and slowly pushed it in section by section and finally Smoothen it to make it look something like the original pig's tail.

Full Combined Pink pig
In order to combine all the parts togather like the tail and ear. I still had to delete the faces of the pig rather then using difference as if i used difference the whole pig plus the tail or ear will be deleted togather. Therefore, i deleted the faces and slowly used the "Merge to center" function and piece them togather bit by bit. Furthermore, the problem of being unable to use difference greatly effected the merging of the tail as i had move the tail into place and this disrupts the edges of the bottom of the pig. In addition, i also added bevel to the sides of the legs of the pig to prevent it from looking too deformed when smoothened.

Completed Pink Pig with texture
In order to finish the pig with texture i first placed a base pink fur texture all over the pig and used face mode to slowly patch up the places that need to be white. I also made use of UV Screenshot to take down the positions I need to manually add patterns too like the nose of the pig for instance.

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