Friday 3 June 2011

IN3D Assignment: Pink Pig Progression 1

Pig Body
I started out with a circle and lowered the subdivision un order to model my pig's main body. With my Pig in hand i kept referring to it as I moved the vertext to match its shape. While moving the vertex I could not determine whether it looks like my Pig's main body or not due to its hard edges so I kept smoothing out the low subdivision circle as I moved the vertex around in order to match my pig as much as I could. Upon matching the shape I began matching it's size like certain parts need to be "fatter" and certain parts need to be "slimmed down"

Pig's Legs
This was done simply by using a low subdivision circle and a triangle. I used face mode to delete the bottom part of the triangle and half of the circle. Once i was done i moved them close to each other leaving a tiny gap and started using Merge Vertex to center.

Pig's Body With Legs
Upon completeing the shape of the body and legs i moved on to merge them togather. Like what I did with the Pig's leg I used face mode and made holes for the legs to fit in. Furthermore, in order to make it more toy-like I deceided to make some space inbetween the leg and body so I used the "Edge Loop Tool" and made an edge to cut off the sharp point of the leg and began using Merge Vertex to center to merge them togather.

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