Tuesday 10 January 2012


Senna Mikazuchi
In the distant future were technology was once lost, countries from all over the world fight and seek the power of these lost technology. Senna is a student who attends a combat academy called Weiss which is located in a small country Ashenburg.  But being a spy from another country she betrayed her fellow friends, classmates during an attack and killed them using one of the lost technology weapons which is called “The Spear Of Deceit”. The spear allows the user to create illusions that actually hurts. Playing the role of the antagonist she fights against the lone survivor named Aurora.
Driving Force/Motivation:
Senna is devoted to her country named Gastark. This is because the king of the country took her in at a very young age and raised her with love and care treating her like his own daughter. Thus she shows absolutely respect and devotion towards her foster father. Later on, Aurora manages to convince Senna in fighting against her corrupted father. This shows that Senna did treasure the time she spent during her life in the Academy Weiss and that she was fully aware that her father was being corrupted by power bit by bit, but she could not bring up the courage to step forth and stop/convince her father.
1)      Senna’s key appearance is her silky blue hair and a crown like feature she has during combat
2)     Another feature would be her pendant which keeps a picture of her and her foster father during her childhood days.
3)    Senna also holds a weapon of lost technology called “The Spear Of Deceit” given to her by her father to protect her and keep her safe.
4)    Senna also has a princess knight sort of clothing as she isn’t clad in armor but a large ratio of cloths mixed with a small ratio of armor.
5)    The next key feature would be her deep blue eyes.
They are the serious, highly ambitious and confident type but slowly develops or shows signs of deredere, usually developing feelings for another character and dropping the tough front

1)    Senna in truth is a very hardworking and quiet girl. During her time at the academy she appears like a slacker but she is actually secretly practicing during the night which causes her to be tired during the day giving an image of a slacker. She practices at the night to keep her identity a secret as well as improving her skills for her one and only foster father.

2)    She moves and carries out her tasks with absolute confidence and determination once her choice has been made.

3)    She is committed to what she does and gives of the aura of confidence and acts tough around people to prevent her fragile heart or weak inner self to be hurt.

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