Monday 11 July 2011

Ball Bounce Animation

In this picture it shows the ball on the peak of it's bounce. That's when the ball will slow down and i wanted to show this "slowed" down frame by added more beside it.

This is when the ball has the most of it's energy and is bouncing or moving at high speed. To show this i left more distance between the ball and the next frame to suggest the "fast" movement of the ball. I also made it abit flat around the edges to make it feel like it's moving at high speed.

This shows the ball at the end as it slows down and move frames of the ball slowly moving is needed

This picture shows the ball hitting the ground. When a ball hit's the ground it will slow down for a split second and flatten on the ground. To suggest this i did the exact same thing and added more frames to the ball as well as flattening it to the ground.

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