Wednesday 18 May 2011

Week 4 E-learning reflections

Does multi-tasking give you a real or false sense of having accomplished something?

No, personally i am unable to multitask because by multitasking i will get distracted easily and i will lost sight of the main task. Therefore, i usually focus on a single task and get it complete to make sure that I am doing my main task in a detailed manner and at a standard I myself can accept to give myself a sense of accomplishment.
Is learning 3D and design different from learning programming? Or is it all learning the same? Why?

I strongly believe that they are different. This is simply because Designing and programming takes up different type of knowledge. Usually because designing or 3D technically demands perspective and artistic skills in order to form a 3D object that is acceptable. Usually because Art is a very biased thing for the artist himself, most artist who are beginning their art career usually draw something in which they find it as acceptable and nice but this is only because they are biased to their drawing since they have been looking at it the wrong time and what the viewers see are a totally different drawing which maybe considered bad to the artist himself. On the other hand programming is more of a memorizing sort of subject. This is because programming needs the programmer himself to understand and memorize a to a certain extend of the codes. However, they are both similar in a sense that they both take practice and time to perfect it.

The articles states that "Learning is actually a very complex operation for an individual". Do you agree with this? Do you feel that your approach to learning is the best way? If yes, how? If no, how can you change your work style?

Yes. Yes, i believe my approach to learning is the best way as I usually progress and learn more at a place i find comfortable and has a certain amount of security. I work best when I'm at home and I am able to complete most of my work in a single day in a detailed and acceptable manner. In addition, when i attend lectures i find them useless to a certain extend, this is because most lecturers just explain what they see from the slides and they don't answer any questions the students personally have because they are attended to a large group of students. This also ultimately results in some students being confused in what the lecturer is saying or explaining.

What are your thoughts about the last paragraph in the extract?

I believe this paragraph is true about communication. This is because in the industry people will definitely have to be able to communicate to one another. Furthermore, due to this people need a certain level of professionalism to understand each other and what each one of them needs to know. Therefore, it is important to understand and give constructive criticism to prevent misunderstanding between one another.

Should your lecturers also focus on your work attitude, or just leave you to sink or swim on your own? Why?

I believe the answer to this depends on what the situation currently is. The lecturers should help us in times of need when we are sinking due to the inability to catch up and understand what we are learning. However, there are students who are able to swim on their own and understand what they are being taught, these are the students that the lecturers should let them explore on their own free will.

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