Friday 20 May 2011

Assignment 1 Sketchs

Pink Pig
As u can see i will be doing this Pink Coloured Pig. It will be created by Bevelling many shapes which consist of a Cylinder, Triangle and Cube.

Storyline: The mouse will ignite his first gear and start moving around the race track and zooming around happily. But to his dismay he will soon find out that the track is actually incomplete! Being unable to stop in time he flys our of the track as he prepares his death by eating a cheese found inside his car. But he will then be saved as land on this pink coloured pig. From then onwards, the pink pig became the rat's most respected item!

Wednesday 18 May 2011

Week 3: Washboard

For this exercise i had absolutely no problem. However, i learnt many new skills like making use of bevel to "expand" the lines to form the extruded area on the board instead. As well as the usable of alignment to save time rather then using the move tool to align it slowly to the object.

Week 3: Tracks

I had some minor problems with the modeling of the track here and there, but in all it was quite an easy model to create. Upon completing the exercise and rotated the object according to the instructions i found it intriguing as by rotating the shape and form of the track changes to another different type of track that can be used to combine with each other to form a full track. I found it fun and played around with the rotation and i had a total of 3 different tracks after playing with the rotation for awhile.

Week 3: Bucket


For this exercise of creating a bucket i had various difficulties like revolving the object in the correct manner so that it would form its shape correctly. Aside from that i also had problems with the handle After forming the handle it was kind of out of place, so i had to change its size and extrude the ends of the handles to make sure it connects to the bucket.

Week 4 E-learning reflections

Does multi-tasking give you a real or false sense of having accomplished something?

No, personally i am unable to multitask because by multitasking i will get distracted easily and i will lost sight of the main task. Therefore, i usually focus on a single task and get it complete to make sure that I am doing my main task in a detailed manner and at a standard I myself can accept to give myself a sense of accomplishment.
Is learning 3D and design different from learning programming? Or is it all learning the same? Why?

I strongly believe that they are different. This is simply because Designing and programming takes up different type of knowledge. Usually because designing or 3D technically demands perspective and artistic skills in order to form a 3D object that is acceptable. Usually because Art is a very biased thing for the artist himself, most artist who are beginning their art career usually draw something in which they find it as acceptable and nice but this is only because they are biased to their drawing since they have been looking at it the wrong time and what the viewers see are a totally different drawing which maybe considered bad to the artist himself. On the other hand programming is more of a memorizing sort of subject. This is because programming needs the programmer himself to understand and memorize a to a certain extend of the codes. However, they are both similar in a sense that they both take practice and time to perfect it.

The articles states that "Learning is actually a very complex operation for an individual". Do you agree with this? Do you feel that your approach to learning is the best way? If yes, how? If no, how can you change your work style?

Yes. Yes, i believe my approach to learning is the best way as I usually progress and learn more at a place i find comfortable and has a certain amount of security. I work best when I'm at home and I am able to complete most of my work in a single day in a detailed and acceptable manner. In addition, when i attend lectures i find them useless to a certain extend, this is because most lecturers just explain what they see from the slides and they don't answer any questions the students personally have because they are attended to a large group of students. This also ultimately results in some students being confused in what the lecturer is saying or explaining.

What are your thoughts about the last paragraph in the extract?

I believe this paragraph is true about communication. This is because in the industry people will definitely have to be able to communicate to one another. Furthermore, due to this people need a certain level of professionalism to understand each other and what each one of them needs to know. Therefore, it is important to understand and give constructive criticism to prevent misunderstanding between one another.

Should your lecturers also focus on your work attitude, or just leave you to sink or swim on your own? Why?

I believe the answer to this depends on what the situation currently is. The lecturers should help us in times of need when we are sinking due to the inability to catch up and understand what we are learning. However, there are students who are able to swim on their own and understand what they are being taught, these are the students that the lecturers should let them explore on their own free will.

Wednesday 11 May 2011

Week 2: Train

This exercise was quite simple with the knowledge i have gained from doing all the different models. This train is formed with many squares and i had to bevel it, at first the edges were all sharp and were not smooth at all. However, i toyed with the bevel for quite a bit and realized that by adding more sections to the bevel it will smoothen out. Also from the previous exercise i knew i had to create cylinders and merge them with he train and then use differences to create holes in the train. I Also had to create a Oval like object and use difference to make the hole for the carrier that is linked to the train to carry the 3 boxes

Week2 Extra: Dustbin

This is a dustbin that i created accidentally by messing around with the cardboard box. I was actually having difficulties to remove the vertex from my "Face" mode. However, i found it pretty fun to play with and moved it here and there and i accidentally formed something that is "Dustbin" like and i decided to post it. Upon asking the teachers i also found out that my "Face" mode had vertex on it because i was on soft selection.

Week 2: Cardboard Box

Cardboard Box
This is the box i have created. I had various problems in doing this box like soft selection which was a majour problem for me because i did not know that Soft selection causes vertex in "face" mode. I only managed to complete after seeking help from my Lab teacher. Overall i believe i learnt alot through making this box as the creating this Box alone was much harder then i expected we were required to use many new functions here and there.

Week 2: Blocks

I did not have much difficulty doing this as it was rather easy and straight forward. However, i did run into a few problems like pressing the shortcut key 3 which made every thing much more "roundish" and i was at a lost what happened until i played around for awhile and fixed it right away.

Tuesday 3 May 2011


Robot Creation Exercise(Maya)


Companion Robot
Name: The Seeker 021.
Description: This robot was created with a certain amount of gravity manipulation capabilities the rings on its legs and arms allow it to disable gravity to a certain extend allowing it to fly and move quicker. However, being as convinent as it sounds it puts a big burden on the robot allowing it to only use during emergencies. The two huge looking things on its back are boosters allowing it to move at high speed in the air accompanied by its gravity disabling capabilities. The two horns on its head are basically radars allowing it to scan the area and get commands from the base. This robot is specially created for spying purposes to spy around the enermies base and at times create chaos from the sky. Its also created to seek out its enermies and destroy them if possible.

Compainion Robot Sketch

This robot has been created to give me ideas or comments on Art that i draw. Most of the time most artist draw alone in their room taking their own sweet time and whatnot. Thats when i was thinking how about creating a robot for myself? Thats when this robot came about. I never gave it much designs because i felt that it should be something simple and friendly looking without having all the gizmo's and gadgets or number pads around it. Notice the tiny pocket on his lower body? Its a pocket that keeps various drawing tools namely an Eraser, Pencil and much more depending on what i deceide to put in it.

Sunday 1 May 2011

IN3D Exer 1

Week 1: Lab 1
For this object i used various cubes and sphere for the joints so the legoman will be able to move if there is a need for it to be able to move. Aside from cubes and spheres i also used cylinders to connect the neck to the body and the forming of the shap of the head. I Also used a flattened sphere for the ears to match it.

For the axe i had certain problems forming it using primitive shapes especially regarding the blade itself. The handle i used tauros for the rounded parts that connect the two cylinder shaped object togather as tauros fits the discription of the object connecting them togather the most. The blade has also been splitted into various shapes in consisted of two rectangles, four triangles and one semi-circle.

Robot 03
For this object alot of various shapes and sizes has been visualized or drawn in a 3D manner to fit the object shown to us. Alot of cubes has been used in the forming of this object. For example, the mouth of the robot is formed just plainly using cubes that has been stretched into a rectangle. Many cylinder shaped object has also been used around the arm and two triangles at its chest.
Comparism between Prisons and Mickey's Toontown
The two jails on the left compred to Toontown is less decorative in terms of details unlike Toontown the prisons can be made in just using simple shapes like squares and cylinders. On the other hand Toontown has much more detail and there's a need to layer it with more details and objects with different shapes and sizes. Furthermore, unlike Toontown the prisons are much easier to image in 3D space due to its lack of details. While Toontown is harder to imagine in 3D space due to its details and random nature.