Sunday 21 August 2011

Animation Principals

01. Staging
No staging or emphasizing was done

02. Squash and stretch
In my animation Squash and stretch was not implemented as unlike balls boxes do not flatten when gaining speed instead after images are seen.

03. Anticipation
For my animation I did not anticipated the vibration of the head of the Hep when lifting an object. Therefore, the Hep carries things too smoothly lacking realism in it's motions. But I did slow down the speed of it lifitng the box to show the "weight" of the box.

04. Straight ahead action and pose to pose
For this part i believe I did pretty well. Straight ahead action i used it when there is a need to use it. Like when the swivel base is moving there was not a need for any inbetweens for this animation.

On the other hand pose to pose was also used at the correct areas. For example, when the box get's transfered from one place to another on the conveyor belt, I made it vibrate inbetween the keyframes making it looks real as though the conveyor belt IS moving it from one place to another.

05. Follow through and overlapping actions
I believe follow through actions is follow up actions to make movement look real. I believe I did pretty well as I animated the robot in a way it is actually investigating the box by looking at it from top to down, pushing the box forward, knocking on the top of the box, looking at the box close up, giving a final quick check and finally nod it's head to give it a "It's a box" feeling before it carry the box to the platform.

06. Slow in and slow out
For this I slowed down my robot as it carries the box up. This is done to show the "weight" of the box. On the other hand, when it's going to reach out and grab the box it moves faster in comparison to it carrying the box.(It was not done to the extend of exaggeration as I did not want to make it look unreal).

07. Arcs
I believe this was done pretty well as it was quite simple. Although i did the longer way of turning my Swivel base.

08. Secondary action
I found this principle useful as when Hep was investigating the box there was a need to move his body continously with his head to give off the "he is inspecting" feeling.

09. Timing
In my animation I increase and decreased the frames needed to reach the next keyframe to give it a more smooth and better timing of the coordination of Hep's movements.

There was no exaggeration implemented

11. Solid drawing
This was not implemented

12. Appeal
I believe there was not much appeal as there wasn't any exaggeration nor there was anything done to make it look appealing.

That's all for my IN3D blog and i strongly believe blogging isn't my thing after this....

Friday 5 August 2011



This is my story board with it's description beside it


The character name is Hep. Day in and day out Hep has been constantly stacking boxes on the platform. Until one day.... a red box appears and Hep was shocked and did not know what he should do. Therefore, he began investigation! He investigated the box after many difficult proceedures.... Finally he nods and deceides that it is just a normal box and placed it on the platform after a quick last minute check/glance on the red suspicious box.